Something about fall makes me want to bake with apples. And since this year we have a bunch of them it's perfect! So the other day I made an apple pie. First I went out (in the rain) and picked about 8 yellow delicious apples off one of the trees in our orchard...
First get about 6-8 apples. I used yellow delicious, but any good baking apple is good. Next you need to make the crust, for a 2 crust pie: 1-1/2 c. flour, 1/2 c. shortening, and 3/4 tsp. salt. Using a pastry cutter or a fork smash it until it looks like bread crumbs. Then add 1/4 c. cold water and carefully mix to together until it sticks together enough to form a ball. Divide in half and roll one half into a circle on a floured surface. Then to be sure it's big enough take your pie pan (I used a 10 inch one) and lay it upside down on your pie dough and if the dough extends about an inch or more over the edges of the pan you're good. So carefully place your circle of dough into the pan and trim the edges if necessary. Put that and your other ball into the fridge to keep them good and cold while you work on your filling.
For your filling you need to peel and core your apples and then slice them into thin slices. Put your slices into a bowl and toss with: 3/4 c. sugar, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. allspice, nutmeg, and cloves. Then take out your pie crust and put your filling in the bottom crust. Dot with butter and roll out your top crust. Place your top crust on top of you pie and pinch a seal on your edges. Prick the top a few times with a fork, and bake it at 350 degrees until it's golden brown and when you stick a fork into the top it goes in easily. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream or just by itself. Enjoy!